Monday, January 17, 2011

Gifts Delivered

During the last week of school in December I delivered Christmas gifts to the Preschoolers at EFE from the Foundation.  The bags contained a teenie beanie, a box of 4 crayons or a mini notebook or game.  The kids loved looking through all the different animal choices and Elly loved being my helper.

Monday, January 3, 2011

MTC Employees Donate

A thank you goes out to the employees of Maryville Treatment Center.  Through dress down days and raffles, they raised and donated $282.92!  Thanks to all whole donated!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Made It Through

To say that Holidays are hard is a gross understatement.  They turn everything upside down for me.  I don't sleep.  I become physically ill.  I lack energy to do almost anything.  This year I found it odd that shed only a few tears.  Instead I just felt like curling up under a blanket most days, wanting to hide from the world.  Now as we put the sights of Christmas away, I hope that those feelings begin to subside.  I have so many things to share here about the Foundation and will do my best to get them up soon.