Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Do you have a Foundation bracelet? Here's what they look like...

They have the Foundation logo engraved in them, with the butterfly of course.

I want to publicly thank Warren Tate for all the work he has been doing for the Foundation selling bracelets, tshirts, and educating people on the Foundation. Warren works at the Maryville Treatment Center as a correctional officer and wears his pink bracelet every day. Some of the inmates would tease him about wearing it, until he would tell them our story and what the bracelet is for. Warren has sold over 40 bracelets to fellow employees and friends. He proudly wears his pink tshirt and has started gathering orders for them too. Due to Warren's support, the inmates want to help out. We are currently working on some things they can do to help. They have made some bound notebooks and decorated the covers (journals, we'll call them) and we are going to see what other projects we can have them do. I think if our story has touched them, these men must be on their way to being reformed (unlike some inmates that don't know how to accept responsibility for their actions).

1 comment:

  1. Thats my lil brother~ so proud of you, what a wonderful cause~!!!

    That is wonderful that the inmates are wanting to help out in some way, way to go~ Warren!! Darla Rauch
