Tuesday, March 31, 2009

That Spot in the Road

The daffodils have started coming up around the cross and stone. They were planted in the fall of 2007 by Randy Frueh, so this is the second year they have come up. The yellow blooms brighten that tragic patch of grass as they are full of symbolism. Daffodils have meanings of hope, faith, honesty, truth, and forgiveness. They are vigilant in returning each spring. With their return, they remind everyone that their beauty is capable of following on the shirttails of even the harshest winters or tribulations.
Sorry if they are hard to see, I still can't bring myself to get out of the vehicle, so the pictures were taken from my car.

~ To answer the question in the comment, Marc trimmed the grass around the area into the heart shape for the last 2 years. I think we have it trained now because this is how it looked yesterday with no trimming yet. ~


  1. I was wondering if the area was mowed into a heart or is that just how the grass has grown?

  2. I love that how it is in a heart shape~ and I wondered if it just grew like that~~ hugs to ya~! Darla
