I don't know how we can ever thank the Prosecuting Attorney's Office enough for everything they have done for us since this nightmare began. They helped us navigate every step of the way through the legal process and brought about the sentence of 6 years to Ryan Sundermann. They helped us avoid the torture of a trial and kept us informed of every little detail throughout the process. They were truly wonderful people. But they didn't just sever the ties with our case once the sentencing was over. After being informed that he would receive credit for the 180 days served, their office sent letters to the Office of the General Counsel for the Department of Corrections to inform them of the error. Last night we received the good news that the DOC has ruled that Sundermann will NOT receive credit for those days served since they were for an unrelated crime. The Sheriff's department had indicated that he was to receive credit for those days due to the judge's error and that is what the DOC had to go by. This good news might seem small to some, but we feel like we finally got something to go our way. Like maybe there is just a small glimmer of hope in this messed up justice system for the victims. And the difference between serving 6 months in a federal prison and serving 6 months in a county jail is huge, not that we have ill wishes for Sundermann. We feel this is what was ordered by the courts and this is what should be done, especially since the time to be served was so short anyway.
In other good news, our JackJack is back to his old self. You have no idea how big of a relief this is. Yes, it means putting up with his orneriness, but I'll take it. He's even been jumping into bed with me at night and waking me up to play. Obviously I'm not playing with a cat at some ridiculous hour in the morning, but it's proof he's feeling better. He's back to eating like he should and everything else seems normal. I guess no more going into Abby's room for him.
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