Through this blog, I hope to keep everyone informed about the happenings of the Foundation while sharing events in our lives about Abby, so that others may know our Princess.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Grief Support
Today is also Aunt Becci's birthday. I am sure Abby will be sending pennies and smiles to her Aunt Becci.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Catching up ~ MDA Donation
Friday, September 26, 2008
Beautiful People
"The most beautiful people are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." - Elisabeth Kubler-Rosss
Maybe it's because I have not found my way out of the depths yet (I'm still climbing), but I have a different take on beautiful people. Beautiful people do not have to have suffered a loss. Beautiful people are those that are there pushing and pulling you out of the depths of grief. They are the ones that sit and cry with you on the couch when that's all you want to do. They are the ones that try so hard to take your pain away so you can have a smile again. They are the ones that camp out at your doorstep because they know you are too strong-willed to ask for help. They are the ones that send encouraging notes and cards to lift your spirits because they can see through the masks. Beautiful people are there even after the struggle is over. Beautiful people make you such a better person. I love my beautiful people!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just wanted to share a few pictures of our princess. These were taken by Aunt Becci at PaPa's retirement party. You can see the mischief in her eyes!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Organ Recipient Letters
We have shared their letters with some of you and I would like to share a little bit of them here.
From the kidney recipient.....
".....It isn't often that the receiver of the kidney gets to tell the donating family thank you. From the bottom of our hearts and soul thank you. .... At times like this I would like to embrace you and your family with the brotherly love and hugs that can only begin to express the understanding of your loss and the most precious gift of life that followed."
We do not know her name, but hope to soon and would love to share that embrace someday.
From the liver recipient.....
"....Zane was born with biliary artesia and had his first surgery when he was 10 weeks old. ... Though his surgery went okay, his liver wouldn't allow him to gain weight through normal eating, so he was put on a feeding tube during the night. He was put on the liver transplant list in the summer of 2005 . He was only 8 months old at the time. He didn't learn to crawl until he was almost a year old and wasn't able to walk until he was 17 months old because he simply wasn't strong enough. Now his energy level and quality of life is 200% better. He is doing everything that an almost 3 year old should do and also things that he shouldn't be doing. .... He is so independent; wants to do everything by himself. .... Although we know that 'Thanks' will never be enough; we want you and your family to know that we will be forever grateful for such an unselfish gift. We truly believe that a part of your daughter lives in our son."
This letter brought us to tears when we received it. It was not just missing Abby tears, but also tears of happiness for this little boy. Our little girl gave this boy life. Her energy was passed on to little Zane and he can now be a normal little boy. The power of donation. Abby's Gift.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Need a Hair Cut?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Soccer Game
Friday, September 19, 2008
A Special Gift
Friday Update
Also, those of you planning ahead, we are probably looking at the 11th or 18th of October for the next bagging.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
How Close is Heaven?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Abby's COOP Kitty
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Poem to Share
Often a silent tear
But always a beautiful memory
Of one we hold so dear
Your memory is our keepsake
From which we shall never part
God has you in his keeping
We have you in our hearts
Some may think we have forgotten
When at times they see us smile
Little do they know the heartache
Our smiles hide all the while
We mourn you in silence
Where no one sees us weep
Many a tear is shed
While others are asleep
God gave us the courage to carry on
And the strength to bear the blow
But what it meant to lose you
No one will ever know
Monday, September 15, 2008
Willow Springs School

Friday, September 12, 2008
Our Love In Ink
Becci and I went on Abby's 4th birthday to get the tattoos done together. Later I went with Carrie and then with Steph as they too permanently professed their love and beliefs. There are 2 others with butterflies and Abrielle's name on their feet also but they weren't there for the picture. The fact that others have been so touched by our little Abby that they are willing to show it for the rest of their lives brings both tears and strength, the strength from the bonds of a treasured friendship. (Of course I love my friends without tattoos too!)
Mommy misses you Abby! Love You!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
ID Please
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Abby's Garden Project

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Celebration Photos

Flying Debris was the highlight of the stage entertainment with his juggling, fire eating, and other tricks.
I could keep adding pictures because we had so much going on. If anyone is looking for any to scrapbook, let me know, I may have some with your kid in it.
Mark your calendars for June 7, 2009. We will be having the Celebration again next year with hopefully better weather so that some of the other things we had planned will be there.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Emotional Torture
Friday, September 5, 2008
Mail Call
A later part of my evening was spent in tears too. Elly has started to outgrow her 6-9 month jammies, which is a good thing, and I thought I could just sift through the tubs of clothes from the other girls to find the 12 month ones. Nice thought, but I should have known better. When I tried to pull out summer clothes, I had a meltdown then too. I try to think "They are just clothes", but somehow they aren't. There are too many memories tied to them. There are things I have just refused to put Elly in, especially since she still resembles Abby quite a bit. I guess Elly is just going to get some new jammies that will be all hers.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I Have 3 Girls
I have tried for 17 months now to figure out how to answer this question without tearing up, without making the person asking uncomfortable, and without leaving Abby out. I still don't know that I have the answer, but am thinking I may respond by saying I have 3 girls - Madyson is 8, Elly is 15 months, and an angel Abrielle who would be 5. I'm not sure if this will alleviate the issues or not. It will probably just open up more questioning, but I don't want my little girl forgotten and I cannot ignore the fact that we had her here for 9 weeks shy of 4 years. I am the Mom of 3 girls and I always will be.
I don't know how many of you say this back in June, but here a link to an editorial written by Jeff Schmucker at the Forum. It still brings me to tears each time I read it. He expressed one of my biggest fears...people will forget our little girl. This was truly heart-felt from someone who doesn't even know us, but called and volunteered his time to sit in the dunk tank at the Celebration. Thanks Jeff Schmucker, you are a kind person to say the least.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Here's Elly in the tub with all her clothes on :) I will have to see if I can get my scanner to work at home so I can post the picture of Abby in the tub.

The last picture is of the cute little puppies donated in memory of Katherine Steiner. There were 50 of these, but this is one of each style along with a couple of the memory cards and Abby's Hugs cards that went with them when we bagged Friday.

Friday night bagging

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Blankie Lost