Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A New Addition

We surprised Marc with a new boxer puppy for Christmas. We haven't had a dog for 2 years and it's been 4 years since we've had a puppy. Here is Miss Molly with Elly. Elly is basically the same age Abby was when we got Winston. Here is a picture of Abby with Winston when we went to pick him out. See any resemblances between my two girls? Abby loved Winston. It was too cute when she would try to whistle for him. She couldn't, so she would just go "whet, whet". It was funny to hear.

The girls and I took Molly with us to see Abby Sunday. Mady said "Abby says she likes her. She wishes she could play with her." I am sure Abby would love her too.

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