Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Abby and JackJack are Famous!

Ok, maybe not famous, but they are going to be on the 2009 Heritage Trading Company Animal Care Catalog. Heritage Trading supplies product to stores all over the country, so they will get to see Abrielle every time they order! How cool is that! I received an email at work about a contest Heritage Trading (our animal health product supplier) was having that was open to its customer's employees and their customers. They were looking for a winner in each of the animal categories of cattle, dairy cattle, cat, dog, goat, sheep, pig, and equine. So just for fun, since I know several people that work there, I sent in several pictures of Abrielle with JackJack. I really did not think I was submitting any that would win. Basically I was just showing off pictures of my little girl and they found one they liked. Granted, no where does it have her name, but we know who it is. Here's what the cover will look like when they arrive later this fall.


  1. Brenda, that is awesome, where would we get one of those calendars?

    Daniels Family

  2. Brenda, if you could tell me how to purchase one of the calendars, I would love to have one.

    Aunt Laura
