I did get to talk to our victim services representative last night to find out some more about the upcoming parole hearing. The date was changed because they knew there would be victims attending and wanted to place us first on a docket. Ours is set to begin at 8:30 am on December 3rd. I do have to give a list of names by the 2nd of anyone attending and if your name's not on the list, you can't get in. We were told that we are allowed one support person per victim. At first I thought that just meant 4 people could go, but grandparents are victims too. Aunts and Uncles are considered support people. So, we could have 4-5 support people with us if we want. We were told to wear "prison appropriate attire." Unfortunately I don't have an orange jumpsuit, but I guess they mean nothing too revealing for the prisoners. They said just jeans. I was surprised because I thought we would need to dress up like a court appearance, but I guess not. And finally, we get the rights, we get the say on things. We get to choose if Sundermann is in the room for our statements (which can be read but don't have to be) or not. Of course I said yes I want him there. I want him to have to hear how this has affected us. There is no reason he should get to avoid that, not that it will phase him any. Plus I get to ask the parole board to make him display Abrielle's picture in his cell. Hopefully, it will happen this time. We also get to sit in on his part of the hearing to listen to what the board expects out of him. Basically if he has to complete any kind of programs and to discuss his behavior while in prison. The bad part is that it will most likely take 4-6 weeks before any decision is made. Happy Holidays to us, huh.
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