Through this blog, I hope to keep everyone informed about the happenings of the Foundation while sharing events in our lives about Abby, so that others may know our Princess.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Our First Halloween Together
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween Thoughts & Tears
No Cards Please
Look what the simple act of requesting no cards brought in...7 animals and 3 coloring books and crayons. Thanks! This just shows everyone can help out in some little way.
Halloween 2004
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Handy Dandy Notebooks
Obviously there are more than just 4 notebooks and 2 crayons...there was a whole box full of these! Thanks so much boys!
Attack of the Bumblebees
Abby loved her "Sissy" as you can see.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Halloween Cookies
Pumpkin Carving ~ 2005
Such a little cutie, huh. Miss you Abbers!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Carving Pumpkins This Year
Obviously they are lined up in order. Mady's is first with a little pig nose. Elly's has "E" eyes and a "C" nose. Of course the A is for Abby. Nothing spectacular, but at least we have jack-o-lanterns this year. I just kept telling myself that they are just stupid pumpkins and nothing more in order to get through it. It's these childhood traditions that are so tough sometimes. A pumpkin doesn't mean anything in itself but carving a jack-o-lantern is family time. And family time is always minus one little girl. Doing these kinds of things makes the gaping void unavoidable. It's like a reality slap in the face.
I'll post more of our Halloweens with Abrielle this week along with happenings, so keep an eye out for two posts a day again.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A Fall Cleaning
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Year of the Leopard
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Guys & Dolls Fundraiser
I failed to get all the information as to why they were doing this for us. When I was first told about the salon wanting to do something for us, it came from Virginia. She had just gotten her hair cut by Tina Spurgin (her cousin) who works there. I thought that maybe she was the one that had suggested the Foundation as a cause for their anniversary celebration. I was so touched to hear that Mindy's son had received an animal from Abby's Hugs and that was the real reason behind the fundraiser. She wanted to give back. It's almost like we've started a pay it forward program in the community that brings out the best in people. I love it!
I also received a comment on the homecoming parade from the little "Handy Dandy Notebook" guy's mom. We all thought it was so cute when we heard him say that! How wonderful that they took the time to thank us for it.
Preschool Class Party - 2006
Trying to run between Mady's and Abby's class Halloween parties, I missed some of Abby's. I missed the games, but want to share some of what I did capture.
The class was supposed to decorate their pumpkin sugar cookies to make jack-o-lanterns with candy corn and m&ms. I guess my child just wanted a pumpkin because she didn't put anything on hers. Oh, and I truly wondered for a long time if she really was my child because she didn't like chocolate! I can't believe I could have a child that didn't like chocolate! Every Schimming LOVES chocolate! Marc had strong influences in this one...she was definitely a Neff.
Such a cutie with her big brown eyes! Those she did get from me :) I am pretty sure I fixed her hair this day, but she would never leave it in all day. Not sure why. She would never really give you a reason other than "I tooked it out." The kids in her class kept find hair things in the classroom after she was gone. They all knew whose they were.
Here's all the kids in the preschool class that year.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Five Strikes
Pumpkin Carving 2006
Abby never seemed to mind getting her hands all goopy cleaning out the pumpkins. Notice JackJack was in for the excitement, even though he was still an outside cat then.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Guys & Dolls Date Set
Mom also came out this weekend and helped me dig out warmer clothes for Elly. I was very proud of myself. I didn't do too bad sorting through the things that Abby wore... no tears at the time (those came later), just some sadness.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Homecoming Parade
Marc and Shannon were having quite the time with the streamers.
Mema with Elly.
Miss Elly was too cute. She wanted to help pass out stuff too.
Our float full of kids and Grandma trying to keep Elly contained.
Jeanette, Carrie, and Kathy having fun along the route.
Elly didn't stay contained for long... Here she is with Steph. She needed out with the action where she could clap and dance to the band behind us. (No bobble heads behind us to get us this year Landry.)Mady and Chloe let balloons go to Heaven for Abby after the parade. I missed the first big bunch they let go because I didn't know they were doing it. Mady always wants to send balloons to Abby and I think that's great. Sometimes we even have to tie pictures and notes to them.